Golden Bridges School is run by administrators and teachers and supported by the hard-work and dedication of parents and community members. Parent volunteerism lifts the entire school and builds the fabric of our community. There are a variety of tasks parents can take on and we ask that each parent find something that fits with their interests and availability. Specific tasks include carpool arrangement, food shopping, laundry, flowers, providing food for events, festival support or other special projects throughout the year. You can join an established committee, or create a new one. Each committee has a chairperson who will report to the faculty.
Parent Meetings Parent meetings are offered approximately every month. We will gather as a whole community and then break up into class meetings, except for the Financial Town Hall which is a full, all school meeting. The school will provide interesting speakers from the Bay Area and afar, share announcements from committees, and create a space for the community to develop together. The class meetings are run by the class teachers and will offer topics on curriculum, child development, and offer activities relevant to your individual class.
Parent Community Council Mission Statement:The Golden Bridges School Parent Community Council organizes and connects parents on behalf of the entire Golden Bridges School Community — families, teachers, staff, and neighbors. We believe that an active, leader-full parent body is imperative to having a strong, vibrant school community that benefits our children, future generations of children, the larger San Francisco community, and the world. Every current GBS parent is a member of the Parent Community Council.
Parent Volunteer Hours Volunteerism has been an intrinsic part of our community since our school was founded 5 years ago. Parents volunteer at Golden Bridges School to help it grow and thrive alongside our children. We volunteer to support our faculty, nourish our community through food and festivals, make our school beautiful and welcoming, raise money so that we can realize our visions for the future of the school, build bridges with the surrounding community, support our administrative team, and in the process create meaningful relationships with other adults and families.
The Parent Community Council invites each parent to volunteer three hours a month (or more!). Working together to build a strong and vibrant school.
Other ways to be involved: Festivals at the school or individual classes, Class Parents, Kitchen, Parent Mediators